Monday, June 29, 2009

Baby Shower #4

Wow... this has been a busy month. Yesterday we had our 4th (and final) shower before the baby arrives! Thanks to Spehar, Mariah, Jody, and Emily (with baby Logan) they pulled together a fabulous afternoon of wonderful food and beverages in Spehar's community room at her apartment. They sent out darling invitations to all my fabulous friends who attended and we spent the day catching up and I got great advice (and gifts) from all the new mothers!
Me and all the fabulous hostesses... (L to R - baby Logan, Emily, Jody, Me, Spee, and Mariah)Lindsey joined the group too! :)Reese, Keri & Jen enjoying the fabulous food!Baby Logan (what a doll), Momma Em and of course Spee...
Jod's too...
Opening the gifts...

Nikki, Hopp and Tay posing with me for the camera...

Baby Logan is such a doll! He was SO good the entire afternoon! Other than laughs, I didn't hear a peep from him all day!

A couple profile shots. 35 weeks and counting. Can you believe it's almost here???

Always primping... :)

Don't blow away Spee! It was SO windy!

Thanks for everything ladies... what a blast!

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