Tuesday, June 30, 2009

36 week Dr. Appointment

Today was an interesting Doctor appointment. We went in for our 36 week (even though right now I'm only about 35 1/2 weeks) and we had our final ultrasound of the baby. Currently the baby already weighs 6lbs 15oz!! We have quite the lunker in there! :) This puts baby McKone in the 90th percentile! If I were to go until full term, it would almost guarantee the baby will weigh over 9lbs. Not quite the size I was when I was born! So to be cautious, they hooked me up to a monitor to measure the baby's movements and heart rate and to see if I was having any contractions. Well, apparently the contractions are coming on rather regularly (I didn't realize that pressure was contractions and not the baby moving around) and Dr. Block said, "Oh, wouldn't this be exciting if you went into labor today!" Um no! I'm not totally ready yet!!!! Umm... work, events, carseat, baby bag... still so much to do!!

We had a cervical exam done and I'm already 2 centimeters dilated. But I guess thankfully it's a firm dilation (Whatever that means). Anyways, Dr. Block said she would be surprised if I stay pregnant longer than 2 weeks! She's predicting 10 days. OMG! I can't believe this is almost here. Up until now the reality of it all hasn't totally sunk in. I could have a baby in my home 2 weeks from now. I'm excited, nervous and scared all at the same time!

Here's how I look at 35 1/2 weeks...
(Scott calls this the "Do you believe in miracles" picture)Why I look so much larger here, I have no idea! I'm blaming it on bad angles...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Baby Shower #4

Wow... this has been a busy month. Yesterday we had our 4th (and final) shower before the baby arrives! Thanks to Spehar, Mariah, Jody, and Emily (with baby Logan) they pulled together a fabulous afternoon of wonderful food and beverages in Spehar's community room at her apartment. They sent out darling invitations to all my fabulous friends who attended and we spent the day catching up and I got great advice (and gifts) from all the new mothers!
Me and all the fabulous hostesses... (L to R - baby Logan, Emily, Jody, Me, Spee, and Mariah)Lindsey joined the group too! :)Reese, Keri & Jen enjoying the fabulous food!Baby Logan (what a doll), Momma Em and of course Spee...
Jod's too...
Opening the gifts...

Nikki, Hopp and Tay posing with me for the camera...

Baby Logan is such a doll! He was SO good the entire afternoon! Other than laughs, I didn't hear a peep from him all day!

A couple profile shots. 35 weeks and counting. Can you believe it's almost here???

Always primping... :)

Don't blow away Spee! It was SO windy!

Thanks for everything ladies... what a blast!

Baby Shower #3

Kim Birkland and Jill Erickson hosted my 3rd shower over at the Birkland residence and invited all my friends from the magazine. It was a gorgeous, but HOT day outside as we all enjoyed a fabulous buffet lunch and conversation. Thanks to Kaylen, I have these wonderful pictures to share...
Jayne and Tash - how cute!Look at all my great gifts...Spehar, Jayne, Tash, and Laura attentively watching the gift opening...
Thanks Shawn for modeling the attire... :)Hostess Kim and Secretary of the day, Kristie...My 34 1/2 week belly bump... :)

Thanks to all who attended (Kim, Jill, Spehar, Maggie, Kevin, Shawn, Jayne C-P, Jayne H-O, Tasha, Kirsten, Coogan, Steph Peterson, Kaylen, Kristie, and Laura) . You all made the day so special and gave us such wonderful gifts!!! I had such a great time! Thank-you again!

Baby Bump - 34 weeks

Here I am at 34 weeks. The doctor's say everything is looking strong and healthy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tanke Pallooza

Lindsey and Ryan got married this past weekend!! It was a gorgeous event hosted at Bayview on Lake Minnetonka.
Doesn't Lindsey look gorgeous!!
Me and the boys...
Mauer's back in town!
Jamie is a friend of Lindsey's who is acutally pregnant in this picture. I bet you can't guess how far along she is...
In this photo she is a week from being induced!! Yes, that is right, she is 9 1/2 months pregnant!! You could never tell especially since I'm 5 weeks BEHIND her!! Look at the difference in belly sizes. Isn't it wild???!!

The day after the wedding, Lindsey and Ryan hosted many of the guests to a backyard BBQ at their house on Lake Minnetonka. They had a Jimmy Buffet cover band that played all day while we could enjoy the sun. It was a great time.

Following the festivities, we all met up at Fletcher's for a night cap and Lindsey had to give her praises to Baby McKone...

Baby Shower #2

On June 4th, my sister Sydney, my cousins Patti and Nancy, and my Aunt Barb hosted a wonderful shower for me.
We had a wonderful dinner and played all kinds of crazy games including using string to guess the size of my belly. Congratulations Carol!
We also tasted and had to guess the different types of baby food they fed us. Yuck!! :). The presents were fabulous! You really can't go wrong when you're buying for baby. We all had such a wonderful time!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Taylor Graduated!!

T-Bone Graduated today!! (June 9th, 2009). She's officially an adult (well kind of :)). Anyways, I thought it would be fun for you all to see how cute she looked in her cap and gown! Congratulations T-Bone!!